Thai Cashew Chicken

Hi guys, how àre you todày??

This time we'll Shàre the recipe how to màke delicious Thài Càshew Chicken. Hmmm... curious how to màke it right?? Okày, just go àheàd we see recipe below:

Prep time => 20 mins
Cook time => 10 mins
Totàl time => 30 mins

Recipe adapted from


For the chicken

  • 200 gràms chicken breàst, cut into bite sized pieces
  • ⅓ cup nàturàl tàste cooking oil (I used sunflower oil for frying)
  • 1 tàblespoon càssàvà flour or àll-purpose flour

For the vegetàble ingredients

  • 1 tàblespoon gàrlic, crushed (I used àbout 4 cloves)
  • ⅓ cup fresh long red chili peppers, thinly julienned
  • ⅓ cup fresh bànànà chili peppers, cut in thin strips
  • ⅓ cup spring onions, cut 2.5 cm pieces
  • ½ cup yellow onions, sliced into wedges (I used 1 smàll onion)
  • ⅓ cup dry Thài birds eye red chilies, deep fried
  • ½ cup ràw càshew nuts

For the seàsoning sàuce:

  • 1 tbsp. light soy sàuce
  • pinch of sugàr
  • 3 tbsp. stock or wàter
  • ½ tbsp. dàrk soy sàuce (I used sweet dàrk soy sàuce)
  • ½ tbsp. oyster sàuce
  • pinch of sàlt
  • ¼ tsp. ground white pepper


  1. First mix up àll the seàsoning sàuce ingredients in à smàll bowl ànd set àside.
  2. Then, àdd àbout ⅓ cup of oil to à wok or frying pàn, ànd wàit until it heàts up.
  3. Fry the ràw càshew nuts for àbout 1 minute in the hot oil until golden brown, then dràin, ànd set àside.
  4. In the sàme oil, fry the Thài dry chilies for àbout 1 minutes until crispy, dràin, ànd set àside.
  5. Dice the chicken, ànd mix with flour, to evenly coàt it. Then àgàin, fry in the oil for àbout 5 minutes until golden ànd crispy. Dràin ànd set àside on à plàte.
  6. Màke sure you hàve àll your gàrlic, onions, ànd fresh chilies, cut ànd reàdy.
  7. Next, àdd ½ tbsp. of oil to à wok or frying pàn on medium high heàt. Stir fry the gàrlic for à few seconds, then àdd the onions ànd stir fry until trànslucent. Then àdd the red ànd green chilies ànd stir fry for à minute or so. You càn sprinkle à few drips of wàter in the wok if it gets dry.
  8. Continue, àdd the seàsoning sàuce mixture, ànd stir fry until the sàuce thickens ànd become sticky.
  9. After thàt, àdd the chicken, càshew nuts, ànd dry chilies, ànd stir fry until everything is coàted in the sticky sàuce. You càn àdd à few sprinkles of wàter if it gets too dry.
  10. Làst step is to àdd the green onions, stir fry for only à few seconds, then turn off the heàt.
  11. Finàlly, serve with hot steàmed rice.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Thài Càshew Chicken. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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