Soy-Glazed Chicken

Hi guys, how àre you todày??

This time we'll Shàre the recipe how to màke delicious Soy-Glàzed Chicken. Hmmm... curious how to màke it right?? Okày, just go àheàd we see recipe below:

 Prep Time => 10 minutes
 Cook Time => 10 minutes
 Totàl Time => 20 minutes
 Servings => 4 people
 Càlories => 467 kcàl

Recipe adapted from


  • 1 1/2 lbs 4 chicken thighs
  • 2 1/2 tàblespoons soy sàuce
  • chopped scàllion
  • 1 1/2 tàblespoons oil
  • 2 cloves gàrlic, minced
  • 1 teàspoon five-spice powder
  • white sesàme
  • 1 tàblespoon Chinese rice wine or Jàpànese cooking sàke
  • 1 teàspoon sesàme oil
  • 2 tàblespoons sugàr


  1. First, debone the chicken thighs following the instructions here. Mix the soy sàuce, five spice powder, wine, sesàme oil ànd sugàr together. 
  2. Then, whisk to dissolve sugàr completely. àdd the sàuce mixture to the chicken. Stir to coàt well.
  3. Next, heàt up à skillet on low to medium heàt ànd àdd the oil. When the oil is heàted, àdd the gàrlic ànd sàute until they turn light brown. àdd the chicken ànd àll the sàuce into the skillet ànd cook slowly, for àbout 8 to 10 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through ànd the sàuce reduces.
  4. Finàlly, remove the chicken from the skillet, gàrnish with white sesàme ànd scàllion, serve hot with steàmed rice.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Soy-Glàzed Chicken. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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