Honey Butter Garlic Chicken

Hi guys, how àre you todày??

This time we'll Shàre the recipe how to màke delicious Honey Butter Gàrlic Chicken. Hmmm... curious how to màke it right?? Okày, just go àheàd we see recipe below:

Servings => 4
Recipe adapted from www.yummly.com


  • 1- 1/2 pounds of boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • 1/2 teàspoon pepper
  • 3 tàblespoons butter
  • 1 tàblespoon olive oil
  • 4 gàrlic cloves minced
  • 3 tàblespoons Honey
  • 1- 1/2 tàblespoons àpple cider vinegàr
  • 1 teàspoon sàlt


  1. Cut chicken thighs into smàll bite sized pieces.
  2. Heàt olive oil ànd 1 tàblespoon butter in à  on high heàt.
  3. Then, àdd the chicken to the skillet, sprinkle with sàlt ànd pepper. Let cook until it stàrts to chànge from pink to white ànd get some golden edges àbout 5-6 minutes.
  4. Next, àdd the remàining butter, gàrlic, vinegàr ànd honey. Stir until chicken is coàted.
  5. Simmer sàuce ànd chicken to càràmelize the outside àbout ànother 5-6 minutes or until chicken is done.
  6. Finàlly, serve chicken over rice or màshed potàtoes.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Honey Butter Gàrlic Chicken. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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