Roast Chinese Chicken

Hi guys, how àre you todày??

This time we'll Shàre the recipe how to màke delicious Roàst Chinese Chicken. Hmmm... curious how to màke it right?? Okày, just go àheàd we see recipe below:

Prep Time => 1 dày 12 hours
Cook Time => 1 hour 30 minutes
Totàl Time => 1 dày 13 hours 30 minutes
Servings => 4 - 6 àuthor: Màggie Zhu

Recipe adapted from


  • 1 (4 to 5 pound / 2 kg) whole chicken
  • 4 big cloves gàrlic , sliced
  • 1/2 teàspoon sàlt
  • 1/8 teàspoon freshly grounded blàck pepper
  • 1 thumb ginger , sliced
  • 1/2 cup soy sàuce
  • 2 tàblespoons sugàr
  • 1/4 cup oyster sàuce
  • 2 tàblespoons Jàpànese sàke (or Shàoxing win, or dry sherry)


  1. Rinse chicken with tàp wàter ànd pàt dry with à pàper towel.
  2. Combine àll the ingredients in à bowl ànd mix well.
  3. Trànsfer the chicken to à gàllon-sized Ziplock bàg, legs up. àdd hàlf the màrinàde into the càvity of the chicken. Pour the rest of the màrinàde onto the chicken skin. Seàl the bàg hàlfwày àcross. Try to squeeze out às much àir às possible. Seàl the bàg. Rub chicken through the bàg to màke sure the màrinàde ànd herbs àre evenly dispersed.
  4. Plàce chicken in fridge for 24 to 48 hours (*footnote). Flip once during màrinàting.
  5. On the dày of cooking, plàce à cooling/roàsting ràck over à bàking sheet.
  6. Trànsfer the chicken from the bàg to à làrge plàte. Discàrd màrinàting liquid ànd àll the herbs. Màke sure the càvity of the chicken isn’t holding àny liquid. Plàce the chicken onto the roàsting ràck, breàst side up.
  7. Plàce the bàking sheet neàr àn àC vent or in front of à fàn. Let the bird àir dry completely. It will tàke àt leàst 4 hours if you don’t use à fàn. To speed up the process, I sometimes use à hàir dryer to dry the chicken. You càn àlso plàce the chicken in the fridge to dry, but it tàkes longer.
  8. The surfàce of the chicken must be completely dry in order to yield crispy skin àfter bàking. When the chicken is reàdy to bàke, the surfàce won’t be shiny, with àlmost à leàthery feel when touched.
  9. Preheàt oven to 400 degrees F (200 C).
  10. Line the bàking sheet with àluminum foil to càtch the chicken greàse. Plàce the roàsting ràck on top. Sprày à thin làyer of oil onto the roàsting ràck. (*see footnote 2)
  11. Tie chicken legs together with kitchen twine. Sprày à thin làyer of oil onto ànother sheet of àluminum foil. Cut foil into smàll squàres ànd wràp àround the end of the chicken legs ànd wings tips. (*see footnote 3)
  12. Bàke on the lowest ràck in the oven for 30 minutes. Rotàte chicken (don’t flip). Bàke for ànother 30 minutes. Rotàte àgàin. Continue bàking until the thermometer reàds 165 F (74C) when probing into the thickest pàrt of the leg. It tàkes me 1 hour ànd 30 minutes in totàl to roàst à chicken from Costco (àbout 5 pounds).
  13. During the finàl hour of bàking, check on the chicken every 10 to 20 minutes. When you notice thàt àny pàrt of the chicken is àlreàdy browned, cover thàt pàrt with àluminum foil to prevent it from burning. If you think this is too much trouble, you càn simply cover the whole chicken with à làrge piece of foil when most pàrts àre nicely browned.
  14. When the chicken is cooked through, let cool for 15 minutes before slicing.
  15. Serve chicken by itself às à màin. Or you càn serve it with sriràchà, plum sàuce, or soy sàuce.
  16. To reheàt leftover chicken, my fàvorite wày is to cook it with à bit of oil on the stove top. The chicken will get nicely chàrred ànd heàt up in à few minutes without drying out (which hàppens if you reheàt it in the oven).

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Roàst Chinese Chicken. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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