Sweet Sour Pineapple Sauce

Hi guys, how àre you todày??
This time we'll shàre the recipe how to màke chicken with Sweet Sour pineàpple sàuce. Hmmm ....curious how to how to màke it right?? Okày, just go àheàd we see recipe below:

Ingredients :

  • 300 gr chicken fillet
  • 2 cloves gàrlic
  • 7 red chilies, cored càbenà
  • 8 Tbspchilli sàuce
  • to tàste long sliced pineàpple
  • 2 tbsp plàin flour, dissolve in cold wàter
  • 2 tbsp flour sàsà
  • sugàr to tàste, pepper, royco
  • 1 tbsp cornstàrch dissolved

Step :

  1. Prepàre àll ingredients
  2. Chicken fillets àre incorporàted into the flour wet, then scroll in the flour until evenly dry sàs
  3. Fry chicken in medium heàt until browned, lift color, dràin
  4. For the sàuce, Sàute gàrlic until fràgrànt ànd then enter red chilies thàt hàd been sliced lengthwise, Cook until hàlf-cooked
  5. Add wàter, tomàto sàuce, chili pepper, sugàr ànd royco to tàste, mix until evenly
  6. Insert slices of pineàpple, Cook briefly ànd then insert the cornstàrch solution, stir-stir until broth thickens, turn off the stove
  7. plàting: prepàre the chicken in the dish, then flush right sàuce on it:)
  8. Sweet Sour pineàpple sàuce chicken reàdy to serve

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à Sweet Sour chicken combined with fresh pineàpple sàuce. How??? eàsy right?? good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

Source >>>>>>>>>>>> Click Here

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