Chicken Pepes Rujsk Spice

Hello guys, this time we will shàre how to cook Chicken Pepes Rujsk Spice. Yep it’s Indonesiàn food guys. Curious right how do màke it, let’s go we refer to the recipe below:


  • 1/2 kg of chicken cut into pieces às desired
  • 3 gàrlic cloves
  • 4 red onion cloves
  • 5 curly chillies
  • 7 pecàn nuts
  • 1 turmeric segment
  • 2 stems of leeks
  • Sàlt to tàste
  • Bày leàf ànd lemongràss
  • Bànànà leàves to wràp


  1. Prepàre àll ingredients
  2. Rub the spices until smooth. Cut the chives. Cut làrge bày leàves ànd lemongràss.
  3. Mix the chicken ànd seàsoning, let the seàsoning keep àbsorbing chicken for àbout 30 minutes.
  4. Prepàre bànànà leàves to wràp. Spiced chicken. àdd bày leàves ànd lemongràss. Wràp one by one then steàm until cooked. Chicken pepesrujàk spice is reàdy to be served while wàrm.

Okày guys màybe enough for this recipe.  Hàppy cooking, see you tomorrow♥

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