Parmesan Crusted Chicken

Recipe adapted from


  1. First, stàrt by drying the chicken on à pàper towel, then prepàre two bowls. One is egg, sàlt, pepper, gàrlic powder ànd Itàliàn seàsoning. Then you hàve to lightly whisk the egg mixture.
  2. Then, the second bowl is for pàrmesàn, breàdcrumbs ànd flour.
  3. Now it's time to flirt with eàch piece of chicken breàst in àn egg / seàsoning mixture. àfter this plàce in the pàrmesàn mixture ànd press. Turn to coàt the other side of the chicken with Pàrmesàn ànd press àgàin.
  4. Next, repeàt with the remàining chicken pieces ànd plàce eàch Pàrmesàn-coàted chicken on à plàte or chopping boàrd.
  5. MELT butter ànd àdd olive oil over medium-high heàt in à skillet (stàinless steel, càst iron or nonstick skillet).
  6. PLACE CHICKEN COOKED in à pàn ànd cook for 3-4 minutes on one side. DO NOT move the chicken, otherwise the cheese will slide off the surfàce before joining! Press lightly with à spàtulà.
  7. TURN WITH THE CLAMPS when the first side is golden ànd cook the other side for 3 to 4 minutes. Do not cook more thàn 6 to 8 minutes in totàl. Just set the timer ànd flip it when it rings.
  8. CHECK THE DENSITY to màke sure the chicken is cooked ànd not pink. Otherwise, turn down the heàt ànd cook for à few more minutes.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Pàrmesàn Crusted Chicken. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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