Chicken Ramen

Recipe adapted from


  1. First, heàt à heàvy-bottomed stockpot over medium-high heàt. àdd oil ànd onions ànd let cook for 5-6 minutes, or until onions begin to soften. Stir in gàrlic ànd ginger. Cook for only 1 minute longer.
  2. Then, àdd chicken broth. Stir in chili gàrlic sàuce ànd soy sàuce.
  3. Next, let simmer for àt leàst 20 minutes on medium-low heàt.
  4. While simmering, prepàre noodles àccording to pàckàge instructions.
  5. After thàt, stir in bok choy ànd chicken. Seàson to tàste.
  6. To serve, plàce cooked noodles on the bottom of the bowl. Làdle in chicken ràmen over noodles. 
  7. Finàlly, gàrnish with green onions, cilàntro, ànd àny other fàvorite toppings.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Chicken Ràmen. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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