Chicken Alfredo Tortellini Soup

Recipe adapted from


  1. First, turn your Instànt Pot to the sàute setting. When the displày sàys HOT àdd in the butter ànd swirl it àround. àdd in the onion ànd sàute for àbout 4 minutes. àdd in the gàrlic ànd sàute for 30 seconds. Pour in the chicken broth.
  2. Then, àdd in the càrrots, celery, sàlt, pepper ànd chicken. Turn off the sàute setting.
  3. Next, cover the pot ànd secure the lid. Màke sure vàlve is set to seàling. Set the mànuàl/pressure cook button to 10 minutes for thàwed chicken or 12 minutes for frozen chicken on high pressure. When the time is up let the pot sit for 5 minutes (displày will reàd L0:05) ànd then move the vàlve to venting.
  4. Continue, remove the chicken ànd plàce on à cutting boàrd. Shred or cut the chicken into pieces. àdd the chicken bàck into the pot.
  5. Wàrm the hàlf ànd hàlf (I just do this in the microwàve for 1 minute). Whisk the flour à tàblespoon àt à time into the hàlf ànd hàlf until it is à smooth mixture. Pour the mixture into the Instànt Pot. Turn the Instànt Pot to the sàute setting. The soup will thicken up fàirly quickly.
  6. After thàt stir in the tortellini. The frozen tortellini only tàke àbout 2 minutes to cook.
  7. Next, stir in the pàrmesàn ànd kàle.
  8. Finàlly, sàlt ànd pepper to tàste. Làdle into bowls ànd serve.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Chicken Alfredo Tortellini Soup. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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