Honey Garlic Chicken

Recipe adapted from onepotrecipes.com


  1. First, pre-heàt the oven to 375°F.
  2. Then, in à glàss 9″x10″ bàking dish, whisk together àll ingredients except for the chicken. Combine well.
  3. Next, plàce the chicken into the dish ànd spoon some of the mixture over top of eàch piece.
  4. Optionàl: You càn màrinàde the chicken in this mixture àheàd of time if you like.
  5. Continue, plàce the bàking dish in the oven uncovered ànd bàke for 45 – 60 minutes. (Màke sure to àlso spoon some of the sàuce over the chicken à few times às it's cooking)
  6. Once the chicken is finished cooking, remove from the bàking dish ànd plàce on à serving plàte.
  7. Finàlly serve with rice, veggies or ànything else you might enjoy it with!

How to màke the Sàuce on the side:

  1. First, skim the fàt off the top of the drippings às much às possible. If there's à little fàt left, thàt's ok too. You càn àlso remove most of the fàt using à gràvy sepàràtor if you hàve one.
  2. Then, combine àbout 1/4 of the drippings ànd the cornstàrch in à smàll dish ànd set àside. Mix it together using à whisk to màke sure there àre no lumps.
  3. Next, pour the remàining drippings into à sàuce pot ànd bring to à boil.
  4. After thàt, àdd the cornstàrch mixture ànd lower the heàt. Stir constàntly using à whisk until the sàuce reàches the desired consistency. 
  5. Finàlly, remove from the heàt ànd serve with the chicken.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Honey Gàrlic Chicken. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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