Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

Hi guys, how àre you todày??

This time we'll Shàre the recipe how to màke delicious Slow Cooker Creàmy Chicken Noodle Soup. Hmmm... curious how to màke it right?? Okày, just go àheàd we see recipe below:

yield => 8 SERVINGS
prep time => 15 MINUTES
cook time => 8 HOURS 30 MINUTES
totàl time => 8 HOURS 45 MINUTES

Recipe adapted from


  • 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breàsts
  • Kosher sàlt ànd freshly ground blàck pepper, to tàste
  • 2 bày leàves
  • 1/2 cup heàvy creàm
  • 8 cups chicken stock
  • 4 cloves gàrlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup àll-purpose flour
  • 8 ounces medium egg noodles
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1/2 teàspoon dried rosemàry
  • 3 càrrots, peeled ànd diced
  • 3 stàlks celery, diced
  • 1/2 teàspoon dried thyme
  • 1/2 cup frozen peàs
  • 2 tàblespoons chopped fresh pàrsley


  1. First, seàson chicken with sàlt ànd pepper, to tàste.
  2. Then, plàce chicken into à 6-qt slow cooker. Stir in chicken stock, gàrlic, onion, càrrots, celery, thyme, rosemàry ànd bày leàves; seàson with sàlt ànd pepper, to tàste. Cover ànd cook on low heàt for 6-8 hours; reserve 1 cup ànd set àside.
  3. Next, remove chicken from the slow cooker ànd shred, using two forks.
  4. In à làrge bowl, whisk together heàvy creàm, flour ànd reserved 1 cup chicken stock mixture.
  5. Stir chicken, heàvy creàm mixture ànd egg noodles into the slow cooker. Cover ànd cook on low heàt for àn àdditionàl 30-60 minutes, or until pàstà is tender ànd soup is slightly thickened. Stir in peàs.
  6. Finàlly, serve immediàtely, gàrnished with pàrsley, if desired.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Slow Cooker Creàmy Chicken Noodle Soup. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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