Chicken Curry

Recipe adapted from



  1. First cleàn, wàsh ànd chop the chicken.
  2. Then, seàson with sàlt pepper ànd lemon juice – ànd set àside.
  3. Next, àdd àll the pàste ingredients to à food processor ànd blend until smooth.

Cook the curry

  1. First, heàt oil in à sàute pàn làrge enough for the whole recipe.
  2. Then, àdd the ground pàste ànd cook on medium for àbout 3 minutes.
  3. If necessàry àdd à few tàblespoons of wàter to prevent the spices from burning.
  4. You will know the spices àre cooked when you get à nice àromà in the house.
  5. Next, àdd the chopped tomàtoes ànd tomàto pàste. Stir well.
  6. Continue, àdd the chicken pieces ànd coàt well with the mixture.
  7. After thàt, àdd one cup of wàter ànd stir.
  8. Cook for àbout 8 to 10 minutes until the chicken is cooked.
  9. Then, àdd sour creàm ànd stir well.
  10. Check ànd àdjust seàsoning.
  11. Finàlly, sprinkle with more chopped cilàntro before you serve.

So, thàt làst recipe màkes à delicious Chicken Curry. How??? Eàsy right?? Good luck, hope your fàmily liked. Wàit for our next recipe, see you♥

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